Natures Way

Dr. Sahni's Homoeopathy

Pioneer in alternative medicine & health care!

Prescribing on the basis of Keynote Characteristic Symptoms


In aphorism 153 of Organon of medicine Dr. Hahnemann pointed out the importance of "Keynote characteristic symptoms in the selection of the Simillimum thus". In this search for a homoeopathic specific remedy, that is to say, in this comparison of the collective symptoms of the nature of the disease with the list of symptoms of known medicines in order to find among these an artificial morbific agent corresponding by similarity to the disease to be cured, the more striking, singular, uncommon, and peculiar (Characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and more solely to be kept in view; for it is more particularly these that very similar ones in the list of symptoms of the selected medicines must corresponds to, in order to constitute it the most suitable for affecting the cure.

Dr. H.N Guernsey and Dr. H.C Allen recognized the importance of the symptoms to enable the homoeopaths to select the Simillimum correctly and rapidly.

It is generally said against the keynote system that it is incomplete with the doctrine that teaches the necessity of meeting the totality of symptoms or in other words the doctrine of true homoeopathy. This is not true! It is claimed that not that the keynote in the case is to be alone met by the keynote of the remedy; nor that the whole case is to be met by the keynote alone-but simply that the predominant symptoms or condition of the case that individualizes it and constitutes its keynote suggest to the mind, a medicine having a corresponding predominant symptoms, condition or keynote, and that if there has been no error committed either in viewing the keynote of the disease or of subsequently selecting just that remedy having the corresponding feature, there will then be found in the pages of a symptom codex, under the heading of that particular remedy, the remaining features, symptoms and conditions of the patients or in other words the totality. Thus, the "Keynote" as before as already explained is simply suggestive; suggesting by the shortest, surest and most practical method; a remedy separating and isolating it from all other medicines as having firstly the characteristic symptoms or conditions or keynote in a marked degree; secondly and subsequently the remaining symptoms or conditions; these constituting together the totality of the case.

Most of the homoeopaths use this method of prescribing in their practice especially in acute disorders with great success.

Case Report by Dr. Kent

A widow of 42 yrs of age was suffering from periodical attacks of chronic spasms. Her mother informed that whenever a thunderstorm is ranging she has such attacks. These attacks last from 2 hrs to 3 hrs duration. Phosphorous 5M one dose changed her whole constitution and mental state. After this one dose she never had another attack.

Case Report by Dr. Nash

Several yrs ago I successfully treated a child suffering from an obstinate attack of dysentery. Several failed utterly. Council was called but our combined efforts were equally unsuccessful. At one of my visits the mother chanced to changing the child's diaper. I noticed that the anus was wide open. I could have inserted the little finger to the depth of 2 inches without touching the bloody mucus lining walls. The tenesmus was continuous. I found this symptom under Phosphorous. 3 days after the use of this remedy nothing remained of the troublesome disease except the resulting weakness (Testimony of Clinic).

Case Report by Dr. H. W Champlin

An old lady of 70 yrs of age was suffering from chronic rheumatism with restless and sleeplessness at right. The pains changed rapidly from one place to another; they occupies small spots that could be covered with the point of a finger. Kali Bich cured rapidly.

Some important keynote symptoms:

Keynotes Remedy
After Collinsonia has improved Piles but fails to cure Aesculus Hip
After Aconite & Bryonia in Pleurisy when a pressing sensation remains in the effected side impending respiration Abrotanum
Irresistible desire to curse and swear Anacardium
Large Horny Corns on the soles of feet; very sensitive when walking, especially on stone pavements. Antim Crud.
In general dropsy when Apis, Apocynaum & Digitalis fails Blatta Or
Head Sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around Cal Carb
Paralysis of several parts; vocal organs, tongue, eye lids, face, extremities, bladder; generally of right side; from exposure to cold wind or draft; after typhoid, typhus or diphtheria; gradually appearing Casticum
Rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back; feel stiff, lame, contracted; spine sensitive, from using arms in sewing, typewriting, dancing, skating, piano playing Cimicifuga, (Agaricus, Ranuculus Bulb)
In whooping cough after Drosera has relieved the severe symptoms but fails to cure Cina
Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula (Kali Carb, Merc) under the left, Chenopodium, Sangunaria Chelidonium
Ailments from loss of vital fluids, especially hemorrhages, excessive lactation, diarrhea, suppuration   China
Agonizing pain in abdomen causing to bend double, with restlessness, twisting and turning to obtain relief; better by hard pressure (better by heat Mag Phos Colocynthis
Bad effects of suppressed sexual desire or suppressed menses; non gratification of sexual instinct or from excessive indulgence Conium Mac
Lack of muscular coordination; confused; muscles refused to obey the will Gelsemium
Head feels enormously large; as if skull was too small for brain; sunstroke and sun headache; increases and decreases everyday with the sun ( Kalmia, Natrum Carb) Glonine
Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief Ignatia
Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body causing nausea and vertigo Theridion

Dr. Sahni BS:

In my personal experience every beginner in homoeopathy or even professional homoeopath must memorize "Allen's Keynote with Nosodes" book for better understanding of homoeopathic Materia Medica and its applications in practice.

Updated on: 01 Feb 2010