Natures Way

Dr. Sahni's Homoeopathy

Pioneer in alternative medicine & health care!

Prescribing on the basis of Removal of Suppressions


In para 4 of Organon of medicine Hahnemann says: "for the purpose of cure that the homeopathic physician should know the causes of diseases and how to remove them." The immediate and remote causes are in fact morbific influences which are to be neutralized, immunized or the patient is desensitized to recover from these diseases. There are differences between neutralization, immunization, desensitization and the method required for the removal of suppressions. All those factors that suppress the vital dynamis are to be removed so that recovery from diseases may occur naturally. These factors may be exogenous or endogenous.

Exogenous factors consists of diseases which have an affinity to different organs of the body and the vital dynamis is unable to remove them unless we strengthen the vital dynamis to though them out of the body. This process is called as Canalization, Drainage and overhauling the background. The exogenous disease like malaria, gonorrhea, tuberculosis and other viral/bacterial diseases have to be analyzed so that there presence which vitiates over vital dynamis is removed. Killing these germs and parasites by allopathic medicines/homeopathic medicines may palliate but not cure. It may cause other harmful effects too.

The diseases which have viral/bacterial and parasitic origin and produce epidemic, endemic, sporadic, acute and chronic diseases begin from the bulk of acute diseases and of they are not cured and remained suppressed by wrong treatment they may form into chronic diseases like Organopathic, tuberculosis, gonorrheal rheumatism, chronic amoebiasis, malarial spleno megaly etc... These diseases require a drainage and regular treatment so that the inimical toxins are thrown out from body.

Dr. Bernoville and Nabel states in their book "Tuberculosis" in chapter "Drainage and regulation", the drainage is the general effect of means applied to the regular elimination of toxins that encumber the organisms of patient.

What is Drainage remedy?

The remedy of drainage is that which has an action selectively on the tissues of the organ of which the function is hindered, deviated or paralyzed by in toxification.

Mechanisms of Drainage Remedy

It is easy to make precise schematically the conditions in which the organ is found before and after the drainage.

Before Drainage: There exists in the peri-cellular milieu i.e. to say in blood:

  • Some microbial toxins diffused out of the cell
  • Some autogenously secreted toxins by the cells
  • Some viruses and some microbial toxins directly secreted by the peri-cellular milieu.

The rejection of toxins out of the peri-cellular milieu has become insufficient, there is some toxic retention and peri-cellular tension that hinders the normal excretory function of the cell. Demineralization progressively, decalcificating flow carries with it the constitutive elements towards the urine (phosphoturia) and to the intestine (constipation).

After Drainage: After the drainage proved by the introduction, in peri-cellular milieu, of the remedy indicated by the morbid symptoms and given in infinitesimal doses, one obtains the regular elimination of toxins through the peri-cellular milieu. Elimination equals the production. Demineralization is slightened, the cell losses less calcium salts. The toxic tension of the peri-cellular milieu i.e. to say blood diminishes and there results a sort of attraction of the toxic elements of the over active cell towards peri-cellular tissue. This attraction is represented by the patient in the form of ephemeral fatigue very often seen in the beginning of the treatment of a subject drained.

The remedy of drainage diminishes the intra-sanguine toxic tension by awakening the activity of the cell and in assuring the regular elimination of its toxins.

Dr. Bernoville and Nabel of France warns us that although elimination of chronic disease or over-hauling the background is sound in theory but unless the physician knows the whole technique he is liable to produce disastrous results. The patient suffering from chronic diseases must be adequately prepared before the removal of background so that his vital dynamis becomes strong enough to do this hazardous job. They suggest four pre-measures before starting the removal of the malefic background. These are given as under:

  1. The eliminating organ must be in perfect condition for which Organopathic remedies are required.
  2. During removal of background demineralization occurs which keeps the vital dynamis not potent enough to properly eliminate chronic diseases and their toxins.
  3. The constitutional remedy for the chronic patient is essential for the purpose stimulating the vital dynamis so that the sick individual can produce enough antibodies required for the process of desensitizing, immunization and canalization of the chronic diseases which are exist in nature.
  4. The detoxification remedy should be potent enough to react and start the eliminating process. It should be selected on the basis of its characteristic symptoms, for ex. there are a number of tuberculin, carsinosins, sepsins, bowel nosodes and specific toxins of each virus, bacteria, chemical, vaccination etc.

In India, Dr. MB Desai has used this technique in his practice with great success. He has written many articles on "Manifestations of Suppressions" (Treatment of Suppression by Dr. MD Desai, Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine Vol.5, Oct-Dec 1963). Following is the summary of his hypothesis and experience:

The concept of life force, with the process of construction and destruction of the structure though which it has to play the role of a living being is not at all a mechanical one. According to the well conceived and institutively experienced concept of life, the sole, which carries the impact of its past, yields to the cycle of existence, through its own institutional faculty and ultimately fixes itself into a circumstance resembling its own impact. The life thus, germinated has triple factors to mold itself into a living entity. 

  1. The sole carrying the impact of the former life (Sansar)
  2. The qualitative influence of the sole through which it takes a chance into existence (Pralabhada)
  3. The influence of various environments through which it has to pass during the course of process of life from beginning to the end (Kundi)

The life depends on such different aspects to mold itself, cannot be expected to be in a perfectly healthy state. Nature has to adopt the principle of adjustment and every step where it has to adjust is marked by a particular type of complex. These complexes exists in the system, as the dormant form of the unhealthy condition, which we call the disease force.

The most stubborn of the complexes are the inherited ones which are existed from the beginning and are manifested through the constitution. The others are invited though medicinal influences, acquired through suppressed disease of the patient and through unmanageable circumstances. the medicinal poisoning and the suppression of diseases are inter related and go side by side.

No ailments can take its chance independently in the life. According to homeopathic science there are three disease producing powers which are termed as Miasms-Psora, Syphilis & Sycosis.

The vital force subjugated by these miasms is made to carry on the order under influence. This process in the life is called the "Background". As we shall see, this background plays a decisive role in fostering, enhancing and complicating the ailments in the system.

What is Suppression?

The mere literary meaning of the word cannot fully explain its true significance. By suppression the disease is made to go deep. For suppression to take place, there must be some material or condition to be suppressed; some agent to cause it; and at the same time, there must be some resistance offered by the organism which not able to halt the process in the beginning has halted it at some level.

In order to understand the process and the manifestation of the suppression, we have to examine the conditions under which the disease manifests. The discomfort experienced by nature under the exited and activated susceptibility that the sensitive focus of the complex which yields to mold the outer impressions into ill health or under the constant un-accommodative circumstances, is shown in the form of symptoms. The manifestoes symptoms are the resultants of the disease, the resistance of nature and the things required to be eliminated out.

Any such conditions when tackled with crude medication or even with palliative methods, will weaken the resistance of the organism. Nature will then reconcile and make arrangements to establish resistance on a deeper plan. This disease force and the disturbing effects of the medicine which is used will have their sway over the region captured, and will arrange to consolidate their position for the attack on the resistance. Here the general order of the system is allowed to be carried on. But the total absence of the resistance to the un-accommodative circumstances will be noticed all throughout. This condition is called "Suppression of the Disease Force". It is the suppression of the revolt of nature and signifies the acceptance of the influence of the disease and the medicinal influence up to a certain level.

Here the medicinal disturbance is responsible for the suppression and it open outs the channel for the disease condition to penetrate as deep as medicinal influence. The deeper the effect of medicine, the deeper the disease penetrates. While determining the condition of suppression, the role of miasmatic and inherited background is also to be taken into consideration which are ever alert to play their part when any chance is available. So how far is the resistance is weakened depends on the means of suppression as well as of background.

The vital order of existence is plane wise in the order of merit, according to the qualitative grade of each function needed to preserve the economy, from the center to circumference, vitally liked with each other.

  1. Nervous Plane: The sympathetic and central nervous system (including the will and understanding) are the central forces to manage the sense and to maintain the order throughout the economy. It is the last plan in which nature offers resistance before extinction.
  2. The Metabolic Plan: Wherein the nutrition and the repair are balanced. The circulatory system is not independently responsible for any disorder. Its simply bears the burden of disturbances in the different planes.
  3. Fibrous Tissue: These include Muscle, Ligaments, sheaths, connective tissues, bones and cartilages.
  4. Mucus Linings of the Viscera bear collective responsibility for secretive and absorptive functions.
  5. The Skin-Outer Surface of Body

In order of penetration of the disease through suppression is from circumference to the center and is plane wise maintaining links on both sides. It is also from below upwards and from less vital to more vital organs. It pose its progress to the weakened resistance.

The Suppression exerts its influence in three types:

  1. Obstructive type creates functional disturbances which again are classified into two type:
    • Crude: Involving the surface, the mucus and the muscular planes only showing non-wasting and non-organic tissue changes.
    • Active: Involving the active metabolic order of life which affects the glandular and circulatory system, excretion, secretion, absorption, nutrition and repair. The function is either exaggerated or reduced.
  2. The organic tissue changes: This type creates non-malignant inflammatory conditions within the organs and favors tissue deposits.
  3. Wasting Types: This leads to malignancies within a particular organ or at a place which is fomented by general crises. Here the general resistance of the system capitulates and accepts total extinction by stages.

The pus formation comes under two items:

  1. The elimination of accommodated damaged tissues, accompanied with or without fever is accomplished within the rage of general repair. So while attempted to discriminate its stand, suppression has to be determined in the glandular and circulatory order.
  2. The pus formation denoting tissue decay under the condition of waste, should be take up for wasting type and should not be listed under limited attempt of the nature.

We must accept that the symptomatic account of a diseases condition does not represents its full form. One should go deep to investigate and show that the begin of the appearance of the condition pose its existence to something which is the real cause of it. So the manifestation of any type of disease of human race, on any intensity can be systematically explained to have been developed through the process of suppression-From Surface to Center.

Before going on to the manifestation and the treatment side of suppression we have to clear certain points which baffle the prescriber viz the dormant stage of the disease, how and when it becomes active by itself and the role it plays.

The disease force remains dormant at a particular point after the adjustment with nature, in the form of the tendency of nature, which is deviated from the natural working order. Its continuous existence weakens the resistance. The condition is exposed in acute form and the slightest provocation or even by itself thereby nullifying the formal adjustment.

Acute manifestations of the chronic diseases are the result of the un-adjustable condition created internally by the disease force, under constant strain exerted against nature. The acute exuberance of this type is opposed by the general totality. The process, if allowed to run like this will ultimately bring about general depression and a shortening of the periods intervening between the attacks. the diseases which are kept checked at there levels by the palliative treatment also goes the same way. A rheumatic attack every year in cold winter passes by itself under general resistance or by the palliative treatment which does not amount to suppression. Every attack takes away a part of the general resistance whereby weakening the system. Ultimately the patient will have the attacks coming at very short intervals and the wear and tear which is fast developing will bring the all around depressing leading to the ultimate end.

The dormant items gone through inheritance:

Each cell inherits the tendency with all the qualities and the defects of the parents. These tendencies are let loose, when the time is found favorable for their manifestations.

The disease condition while undergoing further suppression, changes the planes according to the severity of the medicinal effect and the background.

The transformation of the influence of suppression also depends upon the medicinal effect and the background, e.g., the suppression of itch or boils with Sulphur crude is likely to go to the mucus lining which is the immediate next plan while after the zinc ointment the suppression takes seat in the nervous plan directly without touching other plans in between.

With sychotic background Sulphur will take the suppression through the muscles and zinc will intensify the nervous trouble.

With Syphilitic background Sulphur will take the suppression to the Metabolic order and will influence the wasting type, and zinc will create total depression prone to be affected by very slight disease influences which may take serious turn.

Nature tries to accommodate itself with the condition under the disease influence, and in doing so, it will have to use the energy for arranging different ways and means, to bear the burden as smoothly as possible just as to accommodate with the feeling of hunger, thrust is produced; to stand the nervous strain, headaches produces and so on...etc. With every disease condition nature finds its own way of accommodation which is manifested in symptoms; side by side with this, the adjustment arrived at a certain point within nature and disease is also manifested in certain symptoms. These adjusted symptoms are helpful to nature and any attempt to prescribe upon these symptoms only will temporarily dislodge the symptoms from the scene just to get them back again, and the disease will proceed further undercover. The symptoms of accommodation of nature and the symptoms of adjustment of nature exists in the manifestation of the disease. The former point to the disease condition and the latter signify elimination.

The effect of the medicine should be determined by its capacity to produce accommodative symptoms only. The prescription based on this consideration will bring cure and the prescription on the symptom similarity of adjustment will simply establish palliation.

The symptoms similarity without exactly determining the causative factors in the prescription does not help to establish permanent cure; so a prescription on simple pathological guidance however, appropriate it may look, is sure to be of little permanent value.

 The extent of success in treatment of the disease depends upon the proper choice of the medicine administered. To choose the right medicine would be to understand the role laid by it. Each medicine has a dual role to perform. One is of palliation by influencing the condition of adjustment between disease and resistance of nature while the other is of cure by influencing the accommodated conditions of the disease in the symptoms. Knowledge of these roles of every medicine through study and research, together with tracing of origin of disease are essential for homeopathy to treat successfully diseases of any region for any severity.

In non-wasting type of disease, nature on one side adjusts with the disease condition affecting elimination and on the other side it accommodates the disease condition at certain stages by offering resistance. The wasting type of disease condition is however the subjugated condition of nature where nature has no chance to adjust. It is obvious that none of symptomatic manifestations is favorable to the economy. A prescription based on apparent similarly of symptoms of the disease and the adjusting ones of the medicines can never help; it may do immense harm on the contrary. Prescription of Melli lotus or Hamamelis for haemoptysis in a case of tuberculosis may prove dangerous. 

Lachesis can create dangerous and even fatal conditions by way of its hold on disorganizing the blood and creating thereby septic conditions. But it lacks the capacity to create a constitutional disturbance. It favorably and actively associate with the acute development after a certain stage and helps to gain up a result to a certain level, a follow up with an appropriate medicine becomes necessary. In a septic condition after a burn, Lachesis produces almost normal condition but a follow up with Silicia or similar medicine would be required to establish...return to health.

With all the modalities of lachesis when administered in a case of eczema it simply created the condition due to its tendency to help in eliminating pus, but it could not eradicate the deep constitutional affair or cause. The conditions rather reappear in course of time. Graphitis here eradicated the disease.

Aloe & Ipecac, have dysenteric type of stools. In both the medicines this condition is the adjusted one by which nature simply effects evacuation. Aloe though it resemble Arg. Nit & Ipecac resembles Merc. Sol in the abdominal symptoms, both simply palliate the dysenteric stools when administered. None of the two cure the disease. Here it is the condition of adjustment which carries out the evacuation, palliating thereby existing condition. One should therefore take care to explore the possible background which caused the dysentery of Arg. Nit & Merc. Sol. are of accommodative nature. They can eradicate the tendency.

Claiming to eradicate the tendency to worms by Cina is not proper. It helps to clear the acute condition when administered but it cannot help the chronic indications like enuresis, or grinding of teeth during sleep. To clear the tendency to worms  Cicuta, Silicea, Sulphur, Merc. Sol & Zinc should be thought of. The frequent use of Cina disturbs the general resistance whereby the deeper phenomena might get a chance to disturb liver which has been noticed to often result into jaundice.

Symptoms brought out under constant stress of the background of the disease and similar ones brought out under some exciting cause creates altogether different conditions. For eg. the asthmatic attack under exciting cause of climatic affect yields to Antum. Ars and that due to dietetic disturbances yields to Nux Vom or Carbo Veg. Dormant conditions here remains the same. But an attack of asthma without any exciting cause does not yields to any such homeopathic palliatives. The attack subsides by itself after taxing the vitality. Attempts to tackle it with constitutional treatment on the consideration of the background will intensify the attack and will make it more frequent. Acute manifestations of digestive disturbances due to any dietetic  irregularities will yield to  Nux Vom, Carbo Veg etc but the manifestation are linked up with chronic background, any attempt to render temporary help will every time misdirect the vital force to affect the surface adjustment. Every such effort will weaken the resistance. 

Disease is manifested through its symptoms, for instance the influence carried by psora, is manifested in the form of itch on the surface. The condition is maintained in the lighter or severe form according to the environment and general resistance of nature. When some medicine is administered internally or used externally nature equilibrium is disturbed and in its place some new arrangement which takes time to become manifested, takes place.

The disappearance of the existing symptoms without the immediate manifestations of the suppression is likely to create confusion about the validity of the theory of suppression. Reappearance of the original symptoms through homeopathy treatment however proves it. It is very difficult to grasp the effect that a medicine used for suppression leaves it strong effect in the system but this has got to be clearly realized.

The penetrating effect of the medicinal influence varies in proportion to:

  • The amount of drugging 

  • The vital and the physical capacity to neutralize and excrete the substances and

  • The duration of its existence in the system.

Under the constant stress, a nervous system in general gets exhausted and nature is slowly forced to adapt to the working of the influencing force which ultimately becomes its temperament. This subtle change will be revealed in the mode of the behavior of the patient, even in his mode of thinking and feeling. Blind nature carries on with the deviated style as long as it is not freed from the total material influence of the poisoning.

The medicinal effect can be classified into two categories:

  • Producing permanent effect, disturbing thereby the natural order

  • That of causing interference- it produces excitement (stimulation) and through constant action creates nervous exhaustion which diminishes the functioning, leading to total inertness of the organ under the sphere of its influence. The effect of METAls and minerals on the system stands to be permanent and that of members of the vegetable and animal kingdom tends to be permanent only when material doses exert sufficient pressure on the system to disturb its order.

Starting with the substance producing mild effect we can see that the effect of tea and tobacco is limited to stimulation only which is short lived. The repetitive use of such material, however, disturbs the order of nature and its influence is carried in the system in several ways and becomes its second nature.

The higher the power of medicine is raised the more compressive is the effect announced; the stronger the capacity of medicine to produce the effect; the deeper is its hold on the system. Here we have to differentiate the qualitative values of the effect producing capacity of the medicine/s in three parts:

  1. Acute Medicine The effect of acute medicine can envelop the total existence but the hold or the grip is not deep routed. It goes to the extent of creating the functional disturbances. For example: Belladonna or Aconite can produce the most violent type of manifestations where the intensity and the acuteness may be felt in the disturbance allover the system but they are of functional type. There may be intense swelling leading even to hemorrhage, the fever may be extremely high, and the restlessness intense but these only disclose the utmost excitement of the nervous and the circulatory system. The violence and intensity are proportional to the instability of the fronts where the resistance is offered by nature. One should not mistake this condition for that which is produced under septic conditions where the hold on the vital force is deeper. This is like a tree in the path of hurricane; it may shake violently and even been uprooted, but this does not suggest any inherit unhappiness or the decay of the tree. Here the strength of the tree is merely to be measured against that of the hurricane.

  2. Sub-Acute Medicines The sub-acute medicines conveys the impetus to a deeper range but not so deep as to hold the system tightly and wholly from its existence at large. Lachesis takes hold of the system to produce even the most dangerous symptoms of septicemia, which owe their existence to the acute inefficiency of the repair process. Hence, its use in the conditions like Tuberculosis and gangrene, through the drug may look apparently applicable proves ineffective.

  3. Chronic Medicines The chronic medicines conveys the impetus to the life itself. This can settle therefore the most inveterate type of disputes between the vital force and morbid influences. Gangrene, Diabetes and even Cancer where nature is force to accept the path of extinction under subjugation can be tackled successfully by administrating  such medicines.

Having understood correctly the medicinal affect and the disease suppression we can proceed to the treatment which called for:

  • tracing back the existing condition & 

  • correct choice of medicine

The object of tracing the existing conditions backward is to find out the state or cause responsible for the present condition by linking up the origin and the existing one. During such retracing, factors such as suppressed items in the immediate superficial plane, miasmatic background, possible drug poisoning etc., should also be considered for the complete view of successive developments. This is rather difficult for, cases with ultimate manifestations apparently similar show, on through investigations, different clues to their causes.

The disease condition to be investigated should be mainly differentiated on the following basis:

  1. The acute exuberance due to any existing cause- the suppression in the background remains inactive till the exciting cause comes into play. The immediate unconditional-the inactive backgrounds becomes active immediately on coming in to contact with come exciting cause, the trouble do not owe adherence to any organic development. This includes all sorts of occasional flaring up of acute manifestations without any organ being constantly under morbid influence. Conditional exciting factor is found with precise regularity. The background receive the excitement only under certain flexed condition to become active. No constant organic interference is found here.

  2. The organic manifestations conditionally accelerated and continued to exists at a particular measure wherein wasting is not considered.

  3. The organic trouble where wasting has set in. 

This concludes the thesis on "Theory of Suppression by Dr. MD Desai".

For understanding the hypothesis by Dr. MD Desai following two cases are provided here:

Case 1: A case with acute excruciating pain in the lumbar region, going upward involving the spine and the head was diagnosed as due to osteoarthritic changes and was treated for two and a half months. The pain merely went on increasing. The patient was kept on sedatives and one neurologist advised opening of the skull to investigate for some possible lesion in the brain. The case was brought to me for treatment. There was nothing for me to gather from the reports of the pathological investigation brought for guidance. The history was that the pain came on abruptly one morning while the patient was attempting to get up. Adopting our homoeopathic way of investigation for the exciting cause, I found that the patient had been working in a closed room the previous night and had been exposed to a fan for over six hours, while all the time he had been perspiring. The accommodated disease condition arising out of some background under the exciting cause through pain and restlessness, was adjusted by movement to give some temporary relief. On the symptom similarity of the exciting cause, and the modalities Rhus Tox. CM., two doses daily was prescribed. Within three days 50% relief was experienced. Continuation of the same for four days more caused no further improvement.

If there was nothing more than the item of exposure leading to suppression of sweat, Rhus Tox would have cleared the condition.

But because the effect of Rhus Tox stopped at a certain level and did not help ,further it became necessary to investigate the maintaining link from the background. The patient had suffered severely from malaria in childhood and there was a history of drugging with quinine. Eupator perf. CM., three doses daily, was given with clear instructions that a reaction in the form of severe headache, chill and high fever, followed by bitter vomiting and profuse sweat might occur and that this would clear up the whole trouble. On the third day evening all the reactions appeared as expected. But after three bitter vomiting at midnight, the headache disappeared. He slept soundly. Fever disappeared during sleep with profuse sweat. In the morning when he got up there was absolutely no pain.

Under the influence of quinine the usual method of dealing with the chilling was absent. The influence of quinine had caused the general resistance to retreat to the muscular plane. The effect of chilling was lodged there. Rhus Tox had no range to cover up the complicated item of quinine poisoning and the malaria had taken charge of the morbid influence of cold. It only partially palliated through similarity with the symptoms of the mode of adjustment.

Justification of the prescription of Eupator perf. lies in the capacity of the drug to cover up both the backgrounds, predominantly leaning towards the bilious development and the effect of chilling, and "bone-set" for "backache" was appropriate beyond doubt.

The immediate acute trouble passed away taking a part of the complication along with it. The total clearance of the ' dormant background ' would amount to some further attack of fever through contemplated eliminating process. This type of casual upsurge under some exciting cause would not be of any help to clear it away.

The critical study of this case will give multiple points, such as the idea of (1) weak resistance, (2) drug poisoning, (3) the plane wise suppression, (4) a simple effect made dangerous under the background, (5) inability of the medicine, with the apparent symptom similarity, to effect a cure, (6) difference between the process of palliation and actual cure, (7) limitations of the repertory, (8) vague conclusions on pathology is in no way useful to real prescriber and (9) how a clear vision of the state of health and effects of medicines enables us to predict the course of creative reactions.

Case 2: A case of Asthma

Another case of a different variety was a case of asthma. A boy, aged 12, was having asthmatic spells always in dry cold whether for nearly nine years. All sorts of treatment including homoeopathy were tried but the trouble grew intense every year. By the beginning of November the trouble would start and disappear by the end of February. During the other eight months no exciting cause, whatsoever, would bring on the trouble. Under proper care, with tonics and nutritious food, he would recoup in health but the trouble could never be averted.

There was suppression of scabies in childhood followed by recurring attacks of' cold and bronchitis. He had pneumonia at the age of three, then he was cured of the trouble and there was no cold noticed after that.

The asthma started the following winter. Some homoeopathic doctors had tried Caust., Hep. Sul., Nux vom., Blezerium, Nat, Sulph., and even Arsenic on whatever symptoms they found but could not minimize the attack during the two onsets. Symptoms thereafter were as under :

Thirst for little quantity at short intervals; the temperament was gay ; he was of normal built but extraordinary intelligent, neither gonorrheal nor syphilitic background was evident; liking for sweets, dislike for milk; chilly, sweat absent, and speech a bit indistinct while speaking fast; pain in the wrist on exertion.

Looking to all these facts, the prescriptions of the former physicians were found to be on the border line. I had to think about something still hidden which did not allow the suppressed itch to come to the surface. Sulph. with the immediate symptoms did not help. Kali carb, too gave no relief. Psorinum just to explore out some dormant phenomenon was tried which lessened the intensity for a fortnight only. The prescription of Thuja too, under the suspicion of some complications after vaccination, did not help. By this time the four-month period was over and the boy automatically came to normal. The treatment was continued. The trio of Sulph., Calc. carb., and Lyco, was being administered in rotation. The health remarkably improved but at the same hour the trouble came up without any doubt. Along with the trouble in the beginning Antim ars; and Kali carb were tried, to give some relief. One day his father came for his own treatment for a spell of Aphasia which he used to get at times. He was a painter by profession. The boy was his only son and was born when the father's age was 82 years. While enquiry was being made about his nervous trouble the question about the use of contraceptives came up. With great reluctance, he gave out that he was totally impotent. Since the birth of the child he had led actual married life only for two years. His case clearly suggested Plumbum which acted on him readily curing him of his immediate trouble.

This background of the father who had enough chance of lead poisoning was considered to be working in the case of his son too. The lad was also prescribed Plumbum 1M and he began to feel better in a month.

One morning he was found with a serious attack of Urticaria and no chest trouble. Arsenic was given for a week which gave him relief. He was alright but as I had suggested in the beginning, unless the skin trouble came up cure was not possible. They were thereafter very keen to see the skin condition return. At this stage the boy was found to be extremely chilly, he had liking for sweets, acute coryza with severe sneezing and headache of neuralgic type coming from within the head. Mezereum 1M cleared the present complaint within a fortnight and scattered boils came out over the scalp.

This case has its peculiarity in presenting the background. The crude poisoning effect which was carried in inheritance had simply followed each item of suppression without actively taking any lead in the manifestations, still keeping hold on their stabilization. Penicillin has no power to change the plane; it can only weaken the resistance to make the matter more chronic. Under the revolt of nature Penicillin's effect is driven out in the form of urticaria. The inability of the system to absorb Penicillin, manifested in forms of allergy justifies this proposition. In my experience, Ars: specifically counteracts the ill effects of Penicillin.

The following is the list of some common suppressions and their indicated medicines:

Suppressions Medicines
Anger Aur Met, Chamo, Ign, Sep, Staph
Eruptions Anac, Dulc, Mez
Sexual Desire Com, Apis, Berb, Calc, Camphor, Phos Acid, Pic Acid, Platina, Puls
Ailments from suppressed intermittent by quinine Carbo Veg
Heart disease from suppressed piles or menses Collinsonia
Bad effects of abortions and miscarriages Helonias, Sabina
Deafness due to  suppressed discharges or eczema Lobelia In
Brain or nerve trouble from defective vitality Zince Met
Bad effects of disappointed love Ant Crude
Ailments from reserved displeasure Aurm Met, Staph
Ailments from suppressed grief & terrors of conscience Cyclamen
After effects of suppressed diphtheria Lac Can
Diarrhea due to Suppressed  skin symptoms Petroleum, Graphites, Psor
Leucorrhoea causing piles Amon Mur

Note: This is only a partial list!

Updated on: 01 Feb 2010